
Windsor Dance eXperience Bursaries

WDX is committed to offering a limited number of opportunities for our members to receive bursaries ranging in the amount of $100 – $300 to assist with membership fees for the Spring 2025 season. These bursaries will be based on financial need.

To apply, please fill out the form below and send in the additional required information.

*Please note: If there are multiple dancers in the family, please fill out a form for each dancer.


To determine your eligibility for the program, please refer to the most updated thresholds for the tax base year (2023):

Household Size1 Person2 Persons3 Persons4 Persons 5 Persons6 Persons7 or More Persons
Income Level$43,000$53,000$65,000$78,000$89,000$100,000$112,000

Proof of Income

Along with a completed application form, applicants are required to submit a government-issued document for the most current tax base year. Eligible proof of income documentation includes: 

  • Notice of Assessment (NOA)
  • Canada/Ontario Child Benefit (CCB/OCB) notice
  • Goods & Service Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) Credit notice
  • Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB) notice
  • Ontario Works (OW) monthly benefit statement or Confirmation of Assistance letter
  • Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) benefit statement