Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Eleanor Liebrock President[email protected]
Vice-President [email protected]
Cesar FernandezTreasurer[email protected]
Tiana ViscontiSecretary[email protected]
Zowie Strickland Fundraising Director [email protected]
Development Director[email protected]
John ChanMarketing Director [email protected]
Madison ChapmanDancer Manager[email protected]
Tiffany C. Chan
Artistic Director / Founding Member[email protected]

WDX would like to welcome its new Board of Directors, effective as of June 1st, 2023!

Thank you to all outgoing Board members for your hard work and dedication in serving the mission of WDX.

If you would like to volunteer for Windsor Dance eXperience, we are always looking for individuals with diverse backgrounds, energy, and enthusiasm for the arts and for the community as a whole, and those with knowledge and skills in one or more of the following areas:  

  • Policy & Procedure Development 
  • Accessibility & Disability Issues 
  • Building Management/Maintenance/Repair 
  • Human Resource Management and Labour Relations 
  • Non-Profit Board Governance 
  • Maintenance & Organization of Important Documents 
  • Accounting and Finance 
  • Fundraising/Grant Writing 
  • Marketing & Public Relations 
  • Project Management & Strategic Planning 
  • Occupational Health & Safety 
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion